Island of the Sequined Love Nun

A review

Island of the Sequined Love Nun by Christopher Moore

325 pages. Published by Harper Perennial in 2004.

Humor – Fantasy – Adventure


Take a wonderfully crazed excursion into the demented heart of a tropical paradise—a world of cargo cults, cannibals, mad scientists, ninjas, and talking fruit bats. Our bumbling hero is Tucker Case, a hopeless geek trapped in a cool guy’s body, who makes a living as a pilot for the Mary Jean Cosmetics Corporation. But when he demolishes his boss’s pink plane during a drunken airborne liaison, Tuck must run for his life from Mary Jean’s goons. Now there’s only one employment opportunity left for him: piloting shady secret missions for an unscrupulous medical missionary and a sexy blond high priestess on the remotest of Micronesian hells. Here is a brazen, ingenious, irreverent, and wickedly funny novel from a modern master of the outrageous.

My thoughts:

This wasn’t my favorite Christopher Moore book, but it was definitely entertaining as I find (so far) all his books to be. After reading Lamb, I decided that I needed to read his entire backlist hoping that all his books would be hits. So far so good.

This one is about a screwup pilot who gets himself fired and loses his license in the process. He then gets offered a mysterious job on an island and the events that happen to him in the process.

As with any type of comedy, if the humor doesn’t hit with you you’re going to dislike it, so I would probably wouldn’t recommend this one to anyone who hasn’t already read a Christopher Moore and enjoyed it. (For those that haven’t read any I would recommend starting with Lamb.)

My rating: 3.5⭐️

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